A picture of Chengyuan
A picture of Chengyuan

About me

Hi! I am Chengyuan. I grew up in Shanghai and study Computer Science at MIT (BS + MEng).

I am interested in computer systems, particularly software performance engineering. In simple terms: I enjoy making programs run faster!

In addition to computer programming, I like reading, 3D printing, and a bit of typography. I also enjoy Minecraft and anime, though it's increasingly hard to find time for them.

About this blog

I built this blog to record and share my adventures in computing, most often as I hack around random personal or school projects11 Some of my ear­li­est post­s al­so in­clud­ed notes on com­pet­i­tive pro­gram­ming tech­niques or so­lu­tion­s. Please ig­nore them: There are bet­ter sources for that out there and I was not a par­tic­u­lar­ly good writer back in high school. These post­s are here on­ly for archival pur­pos­es. . Many of the notes here are just for my reference, but I'd be delighted if you find them useful too!

The blog itself was initially built on top of Hexo and underwent a complete rewrite in Go + HTMX in late 2024 to improve style, customizability, and performance22 I wen­t the ex­tra mile to make this blog work with­out JavaScrip­t. Try it out! . I hope you like the design of this blog.


MaCY404 [at] mit [dot] edu
chengyuanma [at] protonmail [dot] com


Below is my résumé, coded in HTML and CSS. Download PDF


(857) 928 8339    [email protected]


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • SB and MEng in Computer Science Cumulative GPA: 5.0
  • Academic interests: computer architecture, performance engineering, compilers

Work Experience

Citadel – Global Quantitative Strategies

Jun–Aug 2023 & 24

Quantitative Research Engineer Intern

  • Developed framework for A/B testing execution algorithm latency and implemented optimizations for latency reduction

Quantitative Developer Intern

  • Designed configurable low-latency alternative data ETL pipeline

Technical Skills

  • Language: English, Mandarin (native fluency)
  • Programming languages: C++, CUDA, Rust, Python, TypeScript & JavaScript, Go, KDB/q, C#, Java

Other Experience



Cofounder and Tech lead

  • Developed LLM-based event catalog application to help MIT students navigate campus-wide free-form advertising emails with Next.js, Postgres, and TypeScript
  • Used model cascading to lower LLM cost and ensemble voting + fault-tolerant parsing to improve robustness
  • App gained more than 1000 users; now officially recommended by MIT

MIT 6.1100 Computer Language Engineering


Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • Designed course material and led recitations.
  • Developed fastest optimizing compiler (14k lines of Rust, targeting x86) in previous year as student

Competitive Programming

  • Developed proficiency in advanced data structures and algorithms
  • 3rd Place at First-year Team Tournament, MIT Battlecode Competition (2022)
  • Bronze Medal, National Olympiad in Informatics (China) (2020)
  • Platinum, USA Computing Olympiad (2018–20)


MIT Big-data Algorithms and Scalable Systems Group

  • Researched parallelizing compiler targeting CPU and GPU for verifiable computation
  • Developed fast zero-knowledge cryptographic primitive (MSM) with WebGPU (ZPrize'24 4th place)

MIT d'Arbeloff Lab

  • Designed Mixed Reality app with novel joint alignment algorithm for robotic rehab therapy (IROS '23)
  • Developed controller to coordinate robot's language and motion during therapy (RSS '24)

MIT InfoLab

  • Accelerated recursive MDP solver with CUDA to model social interactions between robots (AAAI '23)
  • Built reinforcement learning environment with Unity and experiment RL algorithms

  1. Some of my earliest posts also included notes on competitive programming techniques or solutions. Please ignore them: There are better sources for that out there and I was not a particularly good writer back in high school. These posts are here only for archival purposes.
  2. I went the extra mile to make this blog work without JavaScript. Try it out!